DSMZ-Deutsche Sammlung von
Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen GmbH

Price Information for DSM 110544

Listeria valentina

Prices and supply forms:
The price of each culture varies depending on the delivery form. For the above mentioned culture the available delivery forms and prices are:

Delivery form Prices
Freeze Dried 100,- €
Active culture on request 240,- €
DNA 150,- € 
Price Category for this culture: 1

Banking and Handling charges (per order):
In addition to the above mentioned costs of a culture DSMZ raises a combined banking and handling fee for the complete order (independently of the number of cultures). This fees depends on the total amount of the invoice:

Invoice amount (net)EU-memberNon-EU
21-100 €5 €15 €
101-500 €10 €20 €
>501 €15 €30 €

Freight Charges per order:
Additional freight charges depend on the country, in which the culture will be delivered and the following conditions:
The price for a delivery in a certain country is listed on our website: https://www.dsmz.de/catalogues/catalogue-microorganisms/prices.html

Nagoya Protocol Restrictions:
Strain can be utilized for TAXONOMIC PURPOSES ONLY (see Art. 71 https://absch.cbd.int/api/v2013/documents/32CB8085-A51F-90AD-A5C3-B397A27CEAB0/attachments/Texto%20Consolidado%2042-2007.pdf). For all other non-commercial or commercial purposes, please contact the Spanish competent national authority for a permit. For more information, please see the Spanish FAQs (http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/recursos-geneticos/protocolo-de-nagoya/FAQ_Autorizaciones.aspx) on access and benefit sharing. The translation of the definition of exclusively taxonomic purposes that is established in the Spanish ABS bylaw is: “Application of principles and methods for identification, delimitation and classification of living beings, which requires the study of their phylogenetic relationships as well as the evolutionary and ecological processes that have generated biodiversity using morphological, physiological, genetics, behavioral and environmental data”. A mail box to answer questions on Spanish access legislation is set up: bzn-protocolonagoya@mapama.es

All prices are net prices, non-binding and subject to changes.
Our General Terms & Conditions apply to all deliveries and services (http://www.dsmz.de/terms.html).

Geschäftsführer/Managing Director:
Prof. Dr. Jörg Overmann; Bettina Fischer
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender/Head of
Supervisory Board: MD Dr. David Schnieders
Braunschweigische Landessparkasse
Kto.-Nr./Account: 2 039 220
BLZ/Bank Code: 250 500 00
IBAN DE22 2505 0000 0002 0392 20
Handelsregister/ Commercial Register:
Amtsgericht Braunschweig
HRB 2570
Steuer-Nr. 13/200/24030