
First report of Blueberry mosaic associated virus associated with mosaic symptoms of blueberry in Germany

Several viruses are known for being able to infect blueberry plants, most of them detected in Northern America. During the last decades blueberries became an important berry crop in Germany. With an annual production of > 10,000 tons it is of high economic importance.
In 2020 first cases of Blueberry mosaic associated virus associated with mosaic symptoms were detected in Western Germany, followed by recordings in Nothern Germany in 2021.
As the usual vector for transmission of the virus, the fungus Olpidium virulentus, is missing in Germany, the infection route still has to be determined.


For more information see
Menzel, W., Knierim, D., Margaria, P., Winter, S., A. Entrop,, A.P., Stremer, P., Heupel, M. (2021) First report of Blueberry mosaic associated virus associated with mosaic symptoms of blueberry in Germany. New Disease Reports 44:2