Intellectual property rights of cell lines

After you obtained cell lines from the DSMZ open collection, please do not pass them on to any third party unless it is permitted by the DSMZ. Provision of DSMZ cell lines to third parties is regulated by the terms and conditions of the DSMZ. Please familiarize yourself with these rules, as you accepted them by ordering a cell line and therefore are legally bound by them.
The cell lines distributed from the DSMZ open collection are those that have been deposited by the entities or persons which possess intellectual property rights of those cell lines. The DSMZ has been granted the right to make these cell lines available as service to the scientific community, in accordance with the wishes of the depositors. Some cell lines are exclusively available at the DSMZ open collection. Please do not purchase exclusive DSMZ cell lines if they are sold by other entities.
Distribution of DSMZ cell lines to third parties, or obtaining exclusive DSMZ cell lines from other entities other than the DSMZ (except the establisher / establishing institution itself), are both infringements of the intellecutual property rights of entities which generated those cell lines. Activities described above may be entirely illegal.

Quality Assurance

The collection currently comprises more than 900 cell lines originating from various species and tissues or diseases. Prior to accessioning in the public cell culture collection, the cell lines are tested and characterized in depth to meet the highest quality standards. Each cell line comes with a datasheet enabling users to choose those likely best to meet their needs. Information on our comprehensive quality assurance programs are summarized in the following chapters:

Customer Support

For questions concerning DSMZ cell lines in regards to purchase order processing please see our guideline (German version) or contact

Pia Land
Dagmar Rese



For questions concerning DSMZ cell lines in regards to

  • scientific inquiries
  • handling and cultivation of our cell lines

please use our contact form.