Unravelling the nuclear manipulation by geminiviruses (GeminiNuc)

The nucleus is the most important subcellular compartment for geminiviral invasion; spatial information regarding the subnuclear distribution of virus-related processes, however, is lacking. The aim of the project is to analyze the virus-induced cell nucleus (re)organisation, the cell nucleus interactome of geminiviruses and to identify nuclear targets of viral manipulation. Strategies aimed at impairing the viral co-option of the nucleus would potentially impact viral replication, hence providing durable resistance.

This is a DFG funded project.
Molecular and cellular aspects of the life cycle of multipartite viruses: Nanoviruses

The Nanovirus project will decipher the biochemical and biological properties of various nanoviral gene products interacting with host plants. Thus, we aim to understand how distinct viral genome segments initially expressed in distinct plant cells actually function, how they can communicate and complement at a distance and at a supra-cellular scale. We will analyze the properties of the viral gene products with a focus on those with yet unknown function, and on properties that could be involved in trafficking among cells for complementation.

This is a DFG funded project.