Please select your topic of interest:

  • Are phages of the DSMZ open collection natural phages or (genetically) manipulated?

    The phages offered by the DSMZ collection are natural phages, they are not genetically or otherwise manipulated.

  • Are all phages of the open DSMZ collection fully characterized?

    The level of characterization of the phages of the DSMZ collection is varying by means of genome sequencing, ultrastructural description or estimation of efficiency and other parameters. 

  • How do I work with phages received from DSMZ, where can I find methods?

    Phage methods can be found under here.

  • How do I know the titre of a phage suspension supplied by DSMZ?

    Phage suspensions supplied by DSMZ have checked and documented sufficient phage activity to be used for further propagation. A certain titre calculation cannot be guaranteed in each case of a phage despatch as titres might drop over time or during transport. Comparable to our recommendations for revitalisation of bacterial cultures upon receipt, recipients should propagate phages and store aliquots prior to intended use in their laboratory.  

  • Does a phage plate only on the host strain recommended by DSMZ?

    Host spectra of phages are not routinely tested by DSMZ so that successful lysis is only guaranteed for the phage/host system as used and approved by DSMZ.

  • Are phages allocated to risk groups?

    Phages are viruses that infect bacteria only, they do not infect humans, animals or plants and are for technical and administrational reasons officially allocated to the risk group 1.

  • Does the DSMZ provide genome sequence data of phages?

    No, the DSMZ recommends to search at NCBI or PHANTOME (PHage ANnotation TOols and MEthods)

  • Does the DSMZ offer a phage identification service?

    No, this service is not offered.